Friday, May 21, 2010

#11 - The Hallways of the JFSB

All of my classes are in the JFSB. You can find me on the benches, chairs, or floors of the JFSB any day of the week waiting for my next class to start.

#10 - The Gym

Sometimes I read while walking on the treadmill, but the top picture is much more realistic. If I finish my workout before Melissa is done, I usually try to find a comfortable spot reading spot on the very uncomfortable Gold's Gym benches.

#9 - Inside the Central Building

There are a plethora of couches and chair inside the central building (apartment office/Church building) that provide very inviting places to curl up with a good book.

#8 - The Garden Area in front of Wyview

Our apartment complex has this cute area with benches right outside the central building. It's a nice place to go when I want to get away from my apartment.

# 7 - The Laundromat

The ever- present dilemma for the BYU college student: What do you do when waiting for your laundry? READ! Especially sitting in the laundry cart. I highly recommend it! :)

# 6 - The Park Bench

To go along with the handy-dandy picnic bench, there is also the ever useful park bench, a personal favorite.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

#5 - On the Picnic Table

On top, under, sitting on the benches, or sitting on the ground with the bench as a book holder are all possible options with the versitile, handy-dandy picnic bench.

#4 - At the Playground

Wyview was built to be married student housing and so there are mini playgrounds scattered around the apartment complex. The playground behind my building offers many interesting places to read, and hey since most of the time I am reading adolescent literature, reading at a playground seems quite fitting.

#3- The Niche in the Stairwell

An old favorite spot is the niche at the bottom of the stairwell. In most buildings this spot is lower and you don't have to climb over the railing, but because the apartment below is handicapped accessible, this stairwell is set up differently. In the end though, it is still a comfortable place to read.
Oh, and before I go on, I must apologize. The next several posts are going to be of me in the same outfit, reading the same book, Romiette and Julio. Katie and I took 20 minutes last Sunday and went around taking pictures and I had to take the photographer when I could get her. So, you will just have to trust me and use your imagination that I read in these different places on different days, wearing different clothes, reading different books.

# 2 - On the Balcony

One of my new favorite spots as of this semester is the balcony in the stairyway of my building. If you time it right, the sun shines right on the edge where I am sitting and it makes a wonderful place to sit and read outside. You can even say hi to everyone who passes by. :P

#1- On the Y

#1 - So, none of the pictures we took of me were particularly flattering, but this one works. Here is location #1 - on the Y of Y-Mtn. Katie and I hiked up to Y-Mtn last Saturday. It took us about an hour to get to the Y (which is made of rock). We brought lunch and books to read once we got there. Here I am reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Mission...

to read:
  • 30 books for adolescent lit...
  • 6 books for biology...
  • 6 Shakespeare plays with accompanying commentaries, commentaries about 4 additional plays, and one children's version of a play...

...all in 7 weeks.

The Plan - to create a blog documenting 101 places to read in and around Provo. I will post pictures from each site and place a description beneath each picture detailing the location and what I was reading. I will try to post as often as I can, but I do have some reading to do...